Information Of Computer

Monday, September 6, 2010

In this modern era as the internet and networks are rapidly developing computer viruses are disturbed rapidly and intensively. In every single day several new viruses are capable of damaging your computer system. The computer anti-virus specialist are working hard to update there softwares against new viruses as soon as possible. Viruses can get inside the computer in different ways that is why there is no simple method to protect computer system. But some series of measures can give you protection against the viruses infections. Some few steps to protect MS Windows based computer system from viruses.

1. REGULAR BACKUPS: There are no absolutely safe ways of protection. Regularly viruses creators find holes in new computer products for them to infect computer system. There are some dangerous viruses that can considerably damages data files or even erases entire file system. Making regular backup of your data file to separate file storage device. Hard drives,flash cards, compact disc or other file storage device which you choose can be separated. To make it easy for backups you can use automatic backup softwares.

2.PROTECTING NETWORK CONNECTIONS: You can protect your computer network connection with firewall, it is the software which blocks suspicious potentially dangerous connections to prevent viruses from networks to get into your computer system. Enabling ways of firewall are as follows:
1) Go to control panel, double click networking and internet connections, and then click network connections.
2) Right click the connection on which you would like to enable firewall and click properties.
3) On the advanced tab, check the option to protect my computer and network.
4) Installing antivirus softwares which will scan your computer system searching and erasing viruses on a regular basis. Some antivirus products for windows system are Kaspersky, Mcafee, Northon antivirus.
5) Updating regularly is very important, Windows XP has automatic updates built in its system.
6) Don't install suspicious software.
7) Protecting your computer system with passwords.